Trang chủENGLISH ++Mam Chau Doc is a Mekong River Delta specialty.

Mam Chau Doc is a Mekong River Delta specialty.

In the famous culinary culture of the Chau Doc, there is an Mắm that a lot of guests enjoy and praise. This dish has been famous for a long time; the local people in almost everybody use it regularly in their daily meals. If you want to know more about this dish, please refer to the article below.

Introduction to the Mam Chau Doc

It’s a very famous dish for its quality, flavor, and recipe, unlike any other region. When you get used to it, you’ll be sure to mix it with a lot of other super-delicious and charming dishes.

An Giang is a climate area with good soil conditions. The place has a lot of shrimp and fish, so there are plenty of ingredients to make it delicious and quality. Mam is sold in a lot of places in the country, and now it’s sold in other parts of the country so people in the distance can enjoy it.

Visitors who come to An Giang to visit the markets will see a lot of large and small shops selling all kinds of mam to choose from. Each has a characteristic taste and is made of different ingredients.

Mam Thai Chau Doc

Many people prefer it over other products on the market because it tastes better. The main ingredient is to filter out the bones and outer skin and then mix them with the meat, the rice, the sugar, and the pepper. Mam is usually served with green bananas, boiled meat, and super tasty and attractive raw vegetables.

The Land of Famous

There are 30 different kinds in the Chau Doc market. Mam Cá Trèn (Butter catfish), Cá Linh (henicorhynchus), cá Sặc (Trichogaster pectoralis), cá Chốt (naked catfishes)… With the people of the Southwest, almost everyone can make mam have a taste that is very different compared to the rest.

Each of the shops in the Chau Doc-An Giang market sells about 30 types of traditional mam. Each has its own color and flavor, such as Mam Cá Trèn (Butter catfish), Cá Linh (henicorhynchus), cá Sặc (Trichogaster pectoralis), cá Chốt (naked catfish)… For the people of the Southwestern Ministry, any fish can make a mam.

The craft has been around for over a hundred years, and every time it’s floating season, there’s a lot of shrimp and fish. Mam makes it cleaner and more secure, and it’s put in boxes to be sold to other regions. Many of the brands in the Chau Doc region are well-known and have huge revenues.

If you’ve never tasted Mam Chau Doc but want to see what’s different from regions in Vietnam, you can order it at the supermarket or from the local people in the shipment. I’m sure you’ll understand why this is a food specialty.

Minh Long
Minh Long
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